Three Best Performing Approaches to Win More Pitches

Three Best Performing Approaches to Win More Pitches

A well-written sales pitch can inspire your prospect to get excited about the opportunity and motivate them to take the next step with you.

Your sales pitch should be about creating a compelling story for your client. Many salespeople view their sales pitches as just presenting facts and figures, hoping to make a persuasive argument based only on data.

This guide will teach you to use stories to make sales pitches more effective and drive decision-making. We will also discuss the essential elements of your sales decks and provide practical suggestions on presenting them. For great ideas and tips on sales pitches, continue reading.

Let’s first clarify what a sales pitch is.

What’s a Sales Pitch

Most people think of a “sales pitch” when they hear it. They picture a room filled with potential clients and a salesperson, or team, going through a slideshow before them.

A sales pitch can be more than just a script. You can use it as a phone script, a speech that you give on the call, or a presentation to present your idea to decision-makers.

It’s a sales pitch when you call someone to tell them about your product or meet someone at an event and give them the details about your company or product.

Salespeople typically go through their sales pitch at least once per week. Sometimes, they even do it daily. This is an integral part of the sales process for sales teams. You should make sure your pitch is perfect and optimized for each occasion.

1. Highlight the Pain

It is easy to see change through rose-tinted lenses. You’ll be unable to close deals if you don’t frame the consequences of not acting. Your prospect will be motivated to act by explaining what’s likely to happen if they continue down the same path.

Third-party statistics can be a great help in this area. This allows you to provide a data-driven argument for the pain point that your solution relieves. You can also create a villain to emphasize the pain and make yourself the hero fighting against it.

The “villain” should not be a competitor or natural person, as this will make it seem shady. It should not be a competitor or a natural person. Your product or service should be presented as an effective, more efficient solution to the “villain” that you are pointing out.

2. Position Features as Superpowers

Now you have a picture of what the prospect needs to do. It’s now time to show your product as the solution. Now it’s time for your prospect to follow the steps to get there. You have two options, but it is possible to be more efficient by using both.

Your features should be positioned against the “old” way of doing things. These superpowers can be presented to your prospect. You can use a feature checklist or a data quadrant to compare your product to the old way or with your competitors. As proof of the value of your product or service, you might also be able to use examples from how you have helped clients.

3. Help Your Customers

Preparing a compelling sales pitch is crucial to creating a successful pitch. It is essential to know your customer persona to tailor your pitch to suit the person you are talking to. Know your target demographics, such as income, education, age, and education level. You need to identify their problems and show how your product can help. Before making a sales pitch, imagine your customer using your product.

We will cover how to incorporate traditional sales principles into your pitch later. But, we must first explain the critical last piece of your story arc. This piece of evidence is, naturally, proof. What evidence can you support your claims? What have you done to generate results in the past? You could use case studies and testimonials to demonstrate social proof and your clients’ results.

Here’s your chance to show your customers and potential clients the other heroes in your story. Showcase the results they have achieved using your product/service and how you helped them navigate this new world.

The Critical Elements of a Winning Sales Pitch

1. The Open

The introduction is open. It’s as easy as saying hello and asking for their opinion. This is your first chance to build rapport. These conversation starters are great for breaking the ice and getting you to move on to the next step.

2.  Identify the Problem, Pain Point, or Goal

Asking a few probing questions about the prospect’s work will help you better understand their challenges and goals. Active listening and other empathy exercises will help you know the prospect’s needs to help them reach their goals.

3. Demonstration Value

Once you have established rapport with them and started to understand their needs, your product can be used to address them. It should be possible to address one or more of their problems using your product. Here are a few sales demo best practices.

 4. Additional Facts

You should be prepared with numbers and facts to back up your pitch if you want to build trust. Social proof can show that you have exceeded customer expectations and that other customers gained something from your product or service.

 5. The Close

You should now have demonstrated to your prospect the benefits of your product and how it will make their life or job more manageable. The moment they say yes, the transaction takes place.

There are many ways to pitch your sales pitch. These five elements are almost universally found in sales pitches. If you break them down, you will find that they almost always share the same five essential elements.


The above steps will help you increase your chances of landing a big client by crafting a compelling sales pitch. Sales Ken makes it easy to create winning sales pitch. Saleen’s Good Call Engine uses artificial intelligence to create a unique call profile tailored to your company.

It will help you:

  1. Find the conversation snippets which have the most significant influence on your prospects.
  2. Find out how top-performing sales representatives handle customer objections. These winning strategies can be replicated across your team.
  3. Saleen’s emotion detection engine allows you to determine if your pitch is receiving positive responses. Then, tailor your talk points accordingly.
  4. Assist with real-time conversations by providing cues that guide you to success.

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