Best Chatbot Plugins for WordPress Website

Best Chatbot Plugins For WordPress

According to the 2018 Chatbot reports, 15% of the businessmen use Chatbot to communicate.

The interesting part is consumers do know about the Chatbot. In this article, you are going to get answers to all your questions related to Chat and why it is best for the WordPress website.

What is Chatbot?

If you have already gone through the WordPress live chat plugins then you already have an idea about the Chatbot plugins. You must know where it appears on the website and its common functions. The small chat button appears at the bottom corner of the screen. By clicking on the button, you will go to the live chat widget from where you can engage with your consumers.

Kind of Chatbot

There are different ways through which you can classify your Chatbot for WordPress websites.

  • Social media Chatbot are used specifically for social media platforms but can also be used for the WordPress website. Up till now, Facebook Messenger is the sole social media Chatbot that can be used on a WordPress website.
  • Basic Chatbot is written by using the basic rules and simple scripts. These basic Chatbots are the ones that can be commonly used for the websites.
  • AI Chatbot is used with deep learning so that you can adjust to the conversation. You won’t see it most commonly around the web as advanced programming is required for this.

You might be thinking among them which is the best Chatbot plug-in for your WordPress website. There are a number of factors you should consider like purpose, time, and cost. So, think wisely to get the right Chatbot plug-in.

Can Chatbot Sound Human?

Chatbot plugins wordpress

When working with the basic Chatbot, you can frame the questions in a way that humans pose them. Besides this, back and forth between the human visitor and website Chatbot will feel stilted as they both cannot understand the emotion and tone of writing. Along with it, it won’t allow the human to come up with the custom responses. It states that only the common conversations can be done through this route.

Moreover, with the AI programming Chatbot which requires intensive learning and language processing, it can effectively adapt to the conversation. All these things take time and it is not necessary that Chatbot always get it right as their learning is supported by the parameters set by the humans.

The chatbot will always lack the human-like conversations but AI Chatbot is improving day by day.

Best Chatbot Plug-ins

Now, let us look at the best WordPress Chatbot plug-ins to know how they can improve your website.

1. Facebook Messenger Chat with Bot

facebook messenger chatbot

Are you looking for technology to grow your business with the bot?

With the help of Facebook messenger chat with a bot, Facebook messenger bot API will make a custom bot that will give answers to all the questions asked by the visitors or consumers.

It is the best way to save your time, and efforts, and apparently grow your business. Even if you are offline, your consumers will get the answer. The bot will do that for you.

2. WP- Chatbot for Facebook Messenger Consumer Chat


If looking for an effective way through which you can send all the updates and news to all your subscribers through the Facebook messenger.

WP Chatbot for Facebook messenger is the best for you as it is handy for your WordPress Chatbot tool. This plug-in is best for the bloggers so that they can keep their subscriber’s updates with their recent content.

Features to focus on:

  • WP Chatbot is compatible with all the Facebook Chatbot.
  • It comes with an easy installation process.
  • It implements facebook messenger into your WordPress website for automated, and live to chat.

With the help of the WP Chatbot plug-in, you can easily use Facebook messenger through your site to connect with the visitors/consumers directly.

If you want to install it, you should get a free API key from the NewsBooster website. After this, you have to configure where you will put the subscriber widget on your WordPress website so that visitors can easily sign up and receive the automated messages.

3. is the best Chatbot plug-ins for the WordPress website. It is used to collect all the information from the visitors. By using the you can easily collect the customer feedback in a systematized manner.

You can easily install it. You just have copy-paste the snippet code in your WordPress website and you are good to go.

With the WB Chatbot plug-in, you can easily collect all the valuable information that is great from the business perspective. You can get the customer’s opinion and feedback and provide them what they actually demand.

Chatbot plug-in comprises of easy UI and comes with the easy drag and drop option. Overall, is the great Chatbot plug-in that will help you to get the leads, collect the information, and get response or feedback from your consumers.

4. IBM Watson Assistant

ibm watson assistant wordpress

Let’s check out the best services provided by the artificial intelligence that is developed by IBM.

IBM Watson’s assistant is a good Chatbot plug-in. With the help of this plug-in, you can add a Chatbot to your website and train your consumers, or visitors in many ways, provide the information, give an answer to their questions, and also offer them help.

Some of the features you can avail from the plug-in are:

  • You can customize the location and appearance of the chatbox.
  • This is a powerful Chatbot with advanced configuration options and machine learning.
  • You can easily get past conversations between Watson and users.

If you want to add Watson to your WordPress website, you just need to install it and add activate your plug-in. You should sign up with a free IBM Cloud Lite account to achieve your purpose to build the assistant.

You can use Watson to converse with your users about:

  • Assisting them to navigate to your WordPress website.
  • Help them to find the products.
  • Assist them to answer their questions.
  • Give greeting to the consumers.

In short, WordPress Chatbot plug-in with the assistance of artificial intelligence is a great tool developed by IBM to grow your business by putting fewer efforts and time.

5. WoowBot WooCommerce Bot

woowbot woocommerce bot

It is another powerful tool as it provides the automatic assistant to your WooCommerce website users and helps them to navigate to your website and seek the product.

Features to focus on:

  • When you take the premium version, you can get the additional advanced functionality.
  • You can easily avail of the plug and play installation and it doesn’t require any configuration.
  • It will provide search functionality for all your WooCommerce website users.

If you are going for a free version, the plug-in will help the consumers to get the right product. It works the same as the advanced search function. It also offers some of the additional functionality like help users to add their product to the cart through the chatbox or get the response for their queries.

6.      Virtual Spirits Chatbot

virtual spirits chatbot

Virtual Chatbot is the next WP Chatbot plug-in that will support the consumer with many languages like English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Hebrew, German, Spanish, and Arabic.

Moreover, the virtual spirit provides a great range of templates, it is a great deal to select the appropriate model for your business. They have amazing templates for:

  • E-commerce assistant.
  • Lead generation.
  • Conversion optimization.
  • Customer service.

You can easily personalize your Chatbot with your choice of image, logo, and color. It is a great option to convert your target into your consumers.

7.      Gobot


Gobot is the Chatbot that is used to archive the email address from your WordPress website visitors.

By using this plug-in, you can collect valuable information from your consumers through surveys, polls, and forms. This plug-in also works as a meeting scheduler or an automated customer service.

This is the flexible plug-in that will provide you access to write your own script. It comes with the solid drag and drops bot builder that will help you to build a script to give respond to the consumers just like Live Chat plugin.

You can also compose your own messages that will appear on your Chatbot. These messages will be based on the pages that are viewed by your visitor. You should enable Gobot to start a conversation with your visitor after they have spent enough time on your WordPress website.

8. SendPulse chatbot builder

SendPulse chatbot builder

With this platform, you can design a chatbot not only for Facebook Messenger but also for other popular social media platforms and messengers like Instagram, WhatsApp, or Telegram. With SendPulse it’s easy to build a chatbot and have it connected to your WordPress website with a help of a multichannel subscription widget. 

SendPulse chatbot is a great tool when it comes to lead generation and nurturing. The platform also provides a built-in CRM service that can help you manage your customers and deals. 

There is also a mobile app for your smartphone with live notifications that can help manage your chatbots and react to your subscriber’s queries. 

Final Thoughts

A chatbot is becoming the new trend so that your website can achieve the next level. Whether you are running a brick and motor store, an online store or a blog Chatbot is a powerful tool to deal with the problems of your consumers. It is a great replacement for the human response to provide assistant to the consumers instantly.

Myself Pooja Sharma and I serve as an Seo executive at leading WordPress Development Company TechnoSoftwares, there I handle all works related to SEO, SMO, Email marketing, etc.

Pooja SEO Executive at Techno Softwares

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