Five Tried-and-Tested Lead Nurturing Tactics for 2022

Five Tried-and-Tested Lead Nurturing Tactics for 2022

According to statistics by Invespcro, 80% of potential clients fail to grow into paying customers. Brands that focus on lead nurturing initiate 50% more sales-ready leads. Having a working lead nurturing strategy up your sleeve can literally help make or break a sale.

Despite the clear benefits that lead nurturing offers, some professionals fail to construct an effective strategy around it.

So if you are a savvy marketer looking for fresh lead nurturing ideas, this article shares insights on what you can do to attract more potential clients and outperform your competition.

Let’s get started.

What Tactics Should You Develop

When mapping your lead nurturing strategy, we must remember that no prospect is made similar. You’ll need to take a unique approach to connect.

Nonetheless, these five sure-fire tactics are likely to drive you to success no matter what type of business you are working for.

Automating Communication Smartly

Engaging with your future clients using timely and relevant marketing touches is an integral ingredient of every functioning lead nurturing strategy.

According to Leadsbride, for a prospect, it takes ten marketing touches, in general, to walk the way from learning about the company for the first time to becoming a lead.

But here’s the kicker:

Automation tools for engaging with prospects can do the required marketing touches for you.

Take the Linked Helper tool. It is downloadable software for marketers who use LinkedIn as their lead nurturing channel. With the tool, you get to build a variety of complex yet flexible rules and conditions and go beyond automating the outreach process.

The software’s smart technologies allow imitating manual in-browser search activities of a LinkedIn user and interacting with the leads’ pages in a way a human being would do.

Thus, Linked Helper will find the target audience, view their profile pages stepwise, like their posts, leave comments, endorse their professional skills, etc., before pitching the first of your targeted messages.

Leveraging Targeted Content

Word audience

They hold the truth back if you hear that crafting target-oriented messages for your leads does not make a difference. Using strategically targeted content to attract clients helps you improve the results.

The flow in crafting such content should be as follows:

  • Use all the gathered information you have about your buying personas (goals, interests, triggers, etc.)
  • Study their sore spots, demands, and expectations
  • Build content variants tailored for each of your personas and each step of the funnel

Employing Emails Personalization

Like it or not, email marketing is flourishing. This marketing channel remains (and will remain) one of the most effective means of connecting with your prospects.

And the cherry on top of the above-said is that content personalization of your email campaigns can bring their effectiveness to a whole new level. Today, it won’t be a surprise that some customers switch brands because of a lack of personalization.

How to personalize an email?

There are a host of options to achieve that. For example, you can:

  • Start with addressing your prospect by name.
  • Add personalized videos to your emails (and there is also software to do the whole job for you).
  • Enable drip campaigns following how your prospects interact at every stage of the funnel.

The combined powers of personalization and behavior-triggered email campaigns will make a tangible impact on your activities.

Tuning in Sales with Marketing

Joint efforts bring benefits to all. When sales and marketing departments collaborate to share their knowledge and insights, lead nurturing strategies become the most efficacious.

As both these departments contribute to lead nurturing, potential clients must be transitioned between the teams when appropriate based on each team’s data.

Often, brands create a Sales and Marketing Service Level Agreement (SLA) to specify the responsibilities of the sales and marketing departments, as well as cross-team goals and expectations.

Ranking prospects

Lead analysis is an intrinsic part of effective lead nurturing. Commonly, lead scoring is used to rank potential clients on a 1 to 10 scale that represents the level of value each prospect can bring to the organization.

This functionality is likely to be available in the majority of marketing automation tools. Specific client activities are assigned numeric scores that explicitly demonstrate the potential value.

Lead scoring can affect such readings as:

  • Interaction on specific social medial channels
  • Browsing behaviors
  • Conversion events, etc.

Bottom Line

There are no all-purpose solutions when it comes to lead nurturing. Each person is unique, and thus each of your prospects has different requirements, budgets, and expectations.

Using one or several of these tactics can ensure that your efforts are future-ready and have the greatest chances of success. Why not start A/B testing with tactics today?

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